Monday, January 12, 2009

Welcome to my blog!!!

Hello!!! My name is Helena, and I am a grade 8 student in Ottawa, Canada, and I will be learning and writing about Canadian History on my blog site! I hope you love my blog, and in the meantime, I will enjoy other classmates' blogs too! I am very excited to do this blogging activity for the remainder of my history course because it is much more fun than reading from a borring history textbook. Please feel free to post a comment, it can be answering a question, or giving followers of my blog some information on history, or asking me a question in Canadian History. You can ask me a question about history, but I may reply in some time so be patient, but I will get to your question when I have time, and I usually do have time! This will help me learn things about history since I will be reviewing/researching the subject and of course, it will help you too!

Please check out my awsomest teacher ever teacher's blog:


  1. An excellent way to welcome readers to your blog, Helena!

    Great job!

  2. hey helena!i love the way that you wrote the welcoming message!it's awesome!

  3. Hey Helena,
    I like your welcoming. Your template is beautiful and suits the subject very well. The surveys and voting is really unique and lets people interact with your blog even more. I think that it would be really cool if you could show the rest of us how to put up polls like that.


  4. Heh Helena!
    I like the bald letters that you put on your welcoming message. It stands out to people. And the contest that you made really makes your blog interesting, especially the prize. Since I'm a big fan of drawings! :)

  5. Hi Helena,

    The link to my blog doesn't seem to work!
