Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Survey: Which do you enjoy most?

Hello! Nice to know that you are reading my blog! :) In this post, I am asking you what you like most about Canadian History using the choices listed below. The survey can be done by either grade 7 or 8, and if a choice isn't what you've done yet, then choose from the ones that you have done so you have a sure answer. You can answer this using the comment option. Enjoy!

- Native Canadians/Aboriginals
- World War II
- Canadian Confederation
- Culture and how people lived (2)
- European Explorers and their discovery
- Conditions in Canada (Illnesses, weather etc) (3)
- How it all began (Migration from the very beginning) (1)

Please choose the subject you enjoyed learning about most, or the one you found easiest to learn. You can choose 2 if you can't decide. The faded choices are ones that grade sevens haven't learned about in school yet. If someone did teach you the those choices already, feel free to choose them. Have fun! :)


  1. Hi Helena,

    I like your surveys, both the polls and the surveys in your entries. It's great to see you using some of the new technology that is available to you.

    What happened to Mysteries with Helena? I didn't get a chance to check it out!

    We'll miss you next week, and hope that everything goes great!


    I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to link to your site from mine so that people can check out some of your great ideas!

  2. Also, my two favourite subjects to learn about in the list you made are: Culture and how people lived and Conditions in Canada.


  3. Hello my best of bestest friend!
    I am really enjoying your blog, your entries are really great, and everything. I am not copping but i like the same subjects in history as miss pollock, i find it really instresting how pople live like, and all the diffrent things people do, eat, clothing style etc... and i also enjoye the conditions in canada. Well keep up all the great blogging!
    I miss you lots to, and good luck tormorow. (wen.), i tried to go on msn a few times but you were not online, or hannah was on the computer, will i hope all goes well and I can't wait to see you on friday, or monday!

    ~ Sarah/Whippy

  4. This is NOT whippy it is her sister hannah...some of you may know me, others not.
    Anyways to get on with the survey I like
    Conditions in Canada
    How it all began
    Byebye for now!!
