Friday, January 30, 2009


Hello! Here are two different world wide history quizzes for grade seven and eight. The grade seven version is at the top. The great thing I find about these quizzes is that if you get or don't get a question correct, it adds more detail to the answer. It tells you why something happened, and other significant information. If you want something more challenging or easier or lots of other quizzes for lots of other things, click on the lowest link on this post.

I got the gr. seven version on -

I got the gr. eight version on -

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1 comment:

  1. Helena,

    To get a blog counter like mine, just click on the one that I have and it will take you to a website called "blog patrol". You have to fill out some information and then you will be given a code to embed on your site. Go back to your blog and go to Layout--Add a Gadget---HTML/JavaScript---post the code in the box and tah-dah!- a counter!
