Monday, January 12, 2009

What do YOU think will happen in 2109?

Everyone thinks that everything will be more high tech in the future, and that there will be space rockets that can travel the speed of light and that we would all use a jet pack to get everywhere. Some people think that by that time, it'll be doomsday, and that they would move to another planet. I think that not much of those would happen by the time of 2109, and in this post, I will tell you what, and why...

First of all, I think that there would be less racism, even though there is not too much now, and all the governments, or at least most, would be successful and would know how to take care of their country. I think this because since Obama is black, and his plans are brilliant, and he will be running the #1 trade country in the world, presidents (and prime-ministers) of other countries will look up to him, not care that he's black, and follow his foot-steps, and so, racism will be less, and countries will be better at fixing their problems.

In relation to Obama being president, since he himself said that global warming can and will be prevented further, then as I said before, other leaders will look up to him and help stop global warming from getting worse and pass laws that will prevent pollution. And so, that big doomsday would happen in at least 450 years, since the pollution will be lowered and kept low. The government will find another way for industrial to still be working and not cause so much pollution.

I don't think that technology will change too much in 100 years though. Even though the telephone was invented in 1876, and now we have a bunch of new technology, people will continue to use the same technology for these years because the things we have now that we didn't before are computors, TVs, more advanced stoves, refridgerators, etc. Every technology that exist now are covering all our needs - fun, hunger, etc. Think to yourself what more we would need! Transportation would be nice, but the chances of people finding out a way to get cars to move faster are low since it would be a safety hazard. Planes to fly faster through the air, could improve a little, but there would be more turbulences, which aren't very good, especially if they get worse. Rockets might speed up too, but I heard that when the rocket speeds up then there's a safety hazard, but I am not sure what that safety hazard was.
Maybe that technology will improve, but for the less polluting, and when rockets will travel light speed, I'm thinking that wouldn't be until at least 1,000 years.

Another thing with technology is teleportation. Scientists were working on this when they found out something that may allow teleportaion to be real, and they teleported a few molecules to another location, but when the molecules arrived to the second very nearby location, they were torn apart or something and they were totally messed up. So, I don't think that teleportation will be invented in the next century.

About population, I think that looking at what goes on now, if you haven't noticed, you don't see many children outside now-a-days than you do of elders and people in their 20's and higher. Even very small children who would love to go outside and play in the playground, they're not there! I already think that people are coming to their senses and adopting a child or only having up to two kids than three or four. Once those older people all pass away in their years, which would be up to the year 2109, those children would be adults, and they would also have less children, and the population overall in a century, I think, would be much lower than it is now.

IF the population doesn't go lower by us lowering it ourselves, then the universe always has a plan. Now, I don't mean a doomsday, but... Epidemics do happen! I think that the people who choose to eat healthy and live a healthy life-style would be immune to the sickness that would spread, but there are at least half of the worlds' population that choose not to lead a healthy life style, and (I confess) that sort of includes me. : So, the population will drop.

Yes, I am thinking in a positive way, and hopefully, I won't catch that disease when I get older. And, that's what I think will happen in the next century! Here's a link to Christopher Moore's blog site about history:

Boy, but really that disease is starting to scare me.... I should go exercising now... Catch you later!


  1. Very cool entry Helena( pipes)!
    You made some very good points about the future!
    It's really great you’re thinking positive about everything, that's the sprit!
    A lot of people are thinking negative about the future, and not thinking of what can be done to stop things, such as pollution.

    Yes, I am very happy Obama got elected instead of McCain!

    Talk to you later!


  2. Hey Pipes love your entry and its great that your thinking positive about the future. Good luck exercising!!

  3. Nice entry. I really like it. Keep up the good work.

  4. As usual, a lot of thought and detail has gone into your posts. Exceptionally done.
